
Customer Reviews

Based on 11 reviews

I make this tea in large 1.5 L jars. It's great cold or hot.


Great tea. I can forget about it and steep until the water is cold and it still tastes great too.


Can't tell the difference but I suppose more tea is more bang for your buck

Nora A.

Fabulous year-round, and particularly helpful during fall and winter

Jim Millber
A Box by any other name would taste as sweet

Being married to a middle school teacher means that sickness is bound to descend upon my household during the month of october whether I am prepared for the invasion or not-- Unfortunately for me, this past october I was not. When I awoke this recent october morning to a sick wife, I reached in the cabinet to grab the throat coat tea but it was gone.
Getting sick while not prepared is akin to figuring out your favorite Tv show is not renewed for a second season. You're stunned, speechless, immovable, the four walls of reality seem to be encroaching on everything you love. All you wanted was happiness but now you find yourself regretting everything you've done. You think to youself "If only I hadn't started watching this show, I never would have been dealing with this situation". You find yourself canceling the watch parties, returning the T-shirts, and quitting submitting all those fan fictions.
The Honey and herbal lining to this story is that I was able to purchase this pack of throat coat teas and receive them quickly. The large quantity at a good price ensured that perhaps I would be prepared for the next time the beast of sickness rears its ugly head attempting to steal what little hope of a joyful life I cling to. Throat coat is great. I would recommend it to anyone!