The Improved breathing 21 day pulmonary rehab digital programme will teach techniques that doctors and researchers recommend for people with lung-related breathing issues. We will not only introduce you to the most effective breathing exercises and how to practice them, but also help in understanding how they work and what the best times are to use them.
One thing that makes the 21 day pulmonary rehab digital programme such a valuable treatment option is the fact that they can be applied anytime and anywhere as long as the steps are learnt and understood. They're completely safe, surprisingly effective, and simple enough for anyone to learn quickly and are great techniques to COPD, anxiety, emphysema, bronchitis, inflammation and respiratory allergies treatment toolkits. Join our Improved Breathing 21 day programme today to experience the difference yourself!
Improved breathing 21 day pulmonary rehab digital programme teaches unique techniques for those who suffer symptoms of breathless from physical activities like walking, exercising, or doing chores around the house. It is also highly beneficial for people who feel short of breath for other reasons, such as when experiencing an exacerbation or flare-up because of exposure to allergens, pollution, temperature extremes and other respiratory irritants.
The Improved breathing 21 day pulmonary Rehab digital programme teaches unique techniques for those who suffer symptoms of breathless from physical activities like walking, exercising, or doing chores around the house. It is also highly beneficial for people who feel short of breath for other reasons, such as when experiencing an exacerbation or flare-up because of exposure to allergens, pollution, temperature extremes and other respiratory irritants.
Have you ever had been in a situation where you start to feel short of breath, then begin to panic and hyperventilate, which makes the breathlessness worse?
This is called "The Dyspnea Cycle." "Dyspnea" is a fancy term for not being able to breathe and experiencing shortness of breath that stresses the body. This turns on the body's parasympathetic nervous system (otherwise known as the “fight or flight” response), which can cause sensations that cause feelings of panic and overwhelm.
This course teaches techniques of focus, concentration and exercise to turn off this mechanism and appropriately fight the Dyspnea Cycle.
Pursed lipped breathing is the number one, staple breathing technique that everyone with COPD should know how to use. It is probably the most simple, effective, and versatile method for preventing and treating breathlessness.
If unfamiliar with this technique, then now is the time to learn it for life! After learning the basics, pursed lipped breathing can be applied to a multitude of situations and circumstances.
Deep breathing is an effective technique for removing trapped air from the lungs and inhaling bigger, fuller breaths. Deep breathing can also help people remain calm and reset their breathing pattern when feeling short of breath.
This breathing technique works by filling the lungs up to maximum capacity and then slowly deflating them until every last bit of air is pushed out. This helps gets rid of any stale air trapped in the lungs, which then allows the intake of more fresh, oxygen-rich air with every breath.
Deep breathing can also help relax the body and mind feeling anxious or stressed. Since anxiety is a common precursor to worsened episodes of shortness of breath, deep breathing might even help prevent bouts of breathlessness triggered by anxiety.
Postural Drainage and Percussion (PD & P), also known as chest physical therapy (CPT), involves the use of gravity (specific body positioning that promotes fluid release) and percussion (a caretaker clapping the person inflicted around the region where the lungs are) to loosen the thick, sticky mucus within so it can then be removed by huffing or coughing. While one should always visit the doctor and make sure to get the proper treatment, those who can’t see one can use the techniques in The Postural Drainage Home Programme to help them cough out the fluid from the lungs and potentially recover on their own.
The goal of PD & P is to clear mucus from each of the five lobes of the lungs by moving mucus into the larger airways so that it can be coughed out.
For detailed videos showing how to do the percussion and vibrations in each of the positions try out our 21 day pulmonary rehab digital programme today!
This is the best on the internet for COPD exercises , Its like visiting friends everyday i really look forward to seeing the group and doing the exercises, Been following along for about a year now and really think they help me , Much more then anything i have found
Peter - Results may vary from person to person.
DISCLAIMER: The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.