7 Day Lung Detox Challenge

7 Day Lung Detox Challenge




Day 1
Today is the tea day! Brew your first cup of Mullein lung detox tea. Take time to look at your mullein, get accustomed to their color and shape, smell them, and connect to them. The more you do this, the more relaxed your body
and mind will be about allowing them to do their work.You may start with just one cup today, or drink up to three cups over the whole day. Give about 3-4 hours between cups to see how the tea works with your body.
Day 2
If you only did one cup yesterday, bring yourself up to two or three cups today. If you started with two or three cups yesterday, continue at that pace today.
Day 3
Drink two to three cups of your Mullein tea throughout the day. Participants in some types of movement like walking,
taking the stairs, or stretching to help your lungs cleanse and heal. Drink Water!
Day 4
Drink two to three cups of your mullein tea throughout the day. Participants in some types of movement like walking,
taking the stairs, or stretching to help your lungs cleanse and heal. Do 3 to 5 minutes of a breathing exercise of your choice.
Drink water!
Day 5
Drink 2 to 3 cups of your tea throughout the day. Participate in some types of movement like walking, taking the stairs, or stretching to help your lungs cleanse and heal. Do two sets of 3 to 5 minutes of a breathing exercise of your choice with 6 to 8 hours between them.
Drink Water
Day 6
Drink two to three cups of your tea throughout the day. Participate in some types of movement like walking, taking the stairs, or stretching to help your lungs cleanse and heal. Do two sets of 3 to 5 minutes of a breathing exercise of your choice with 6 to 8 hours between them.
Drink Water!
Day 7
Can you believe the week is already over? Drink two to three cups of your mullein tea throughout the day. Participate in some types of movement like walking, taking the stairs, or stretching to help your lungs cleanse and heal. Do two sets of 3 to 5 minutes of a breathing exercise of your choice with 6 to 8 hours between them. See the next chapter for simple instructions.
Drink Water!


You can also learn more about health and nutrition by joining our group Plant Therapy- Lung Detox
A great method of easing COPD, lung symptoms and mucus build-up is by going through our Mullein lung detox programme.


Mullein helps remove any 'gunk' from with the lungs via its gentle yet thorough expectorant abilities. It helps the lungs purge themselves of mucous and phlegm that have taken their fill of toxins, pollutants, and foreign matter so that it can be given healthy replacements.


Breathe Easy, My Friends!!


Herbal Tea Therapy: Any food Information found on Herbal Tea Therapy is meant for educational and informational purposes only, and to motivate you to make your own health care and dietary decisions based upon your own research and ****in partnership with your health care provider.*** It should not be relied upon to determine dietary changes, a medical diagnosis or courses of treatment.
