Slippery Elm Bark Powder - Supports Digestion and Healthy Gastric Mucosa

This is one of our most reliable formulas when working with gut inflammation of any kind. Our intentions with this formula is for the marshmallow root to enter the digestive tract and relieve inflammation of the tissue and is followed by slippery elm to enhance nutrient absorption to help rebuild and strengthen the tissue. Cameron personally used this remedy for some time when working to heal herself from Crohns.

Let's take a look at each herb on it's own to get a better understanding of how they can work together.

Marshmallow root (Althaea officinalis):

The root and the leaves are commonly used for medicine. Because we use the root in this formula, that is the part of the plant we will focus on with this post.

Marshmallow root is known as a demulcent - a soothing substance, usually mucilage, that is taken internally (and can be applied externally) to heal & protected damaged and inflamed tissue.

Marshmallow is also known as an emollient, which allows it to help break up and soften hard tissue.

Marshmallow root is a friend to the kidneys, helping the kidneys to do their job which includes regulation of water within the body. I have found that proper hydration and utilization of water in the body supports our digestive system tremendously, as we need water to hydrate our cells, break down and process nutrients, and move matter throughout the system, along with so much more.

Emotional benefits of this herb include bringing some flexibility and open-mindedness to individuals who may be inflexible, have narrow thinking patterns, or have trouble connecting to their emotions.

Marshmallow can help those who seem hard-hearted and emotionally unavailable.

Marshmallow root can be of great assistance with a sore throat, dry chapped lips, respiratory ailments, and for the purpose of this remedy, inflamed and painful digestive tissue.

There is always much more to learn about every plant & I encourage you to do more research! Check out our resources tab for some recommendations on books and teachers!

Slippery Elm (Ulmas rubra)

I have to begin with saying that Elm trees are at risk right now and that this medicine should be used intentionally with respect (as with all medicine.)

Slippery Elm Bark is also a mucilaginous demulcent, however I believe it carries with it an outstanding nutritive quality. Slippery Elm has a special affinity for the mucous membrane in the respiratory, digestive, and urinary tracts - helping to soothe, strengthen, and restore. Slippery Elm contains alkaline salts which help to neutralize excess acidity in our digestive tract, which can be very beneficial when working with ulcers. This herb helps us to break down and process fats & oils. The fruit sugars feed our friendly bacteria in the gut, particularly the large intesines, helping to grow more friendly bacteria.

Slippery elm is great for our respiratory system, giving a feeling of expansiveness in the lungs. Slippery Elm offers so much more medicine to us, however I want to stay focused on the purpose of this remedy. As always, dive in and do your own research!

As stated earlier in the article, our intentions of bringing these two herbs together are to soothe inflammation of the digestive tract, increase nutrient absorption to rebuild and nourish the tissue of the digestive tract, which naturally supports the rest of our body, and to regulate & repair digestion.

What happens when we strengthen the tissue of our digestive tract?

The saying "We are not what we eat, we are what we digest" comes to mind here! If our digestive system is unable to break down and utilize the nutrients from our food, we may eventually become weak and malnourished. A healthy, strong digestion is a key in sustaining health and vitality.


This blog is intended to provide information on this herb/remedy that I use regularly in my life. This blog is for educational purposes only, mainly for people who work with me or my remedies and are looking for information on how and why I use them and information on the ingredients. There is much more research and information on each herb and I always encourage everyone to ask lots of questions and dive into research for themselves as well as consulting with a professional. Visit our "resources" tab at the top for a list of SOME of our favorite books/teachers/videos.

Thank you!

Benefits of Mullein Products

Mullein benefits are surplus, let’s have a look at the major ones here:

Supports bronchial and respiratory health

Deepen & relax breathing

Helps loosen stubborn mucus in the chest

Liquid formula for fast absorption

Can be taken long term

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